Recursive Data Structures

Not only can rules be recursive; so can data structures. Prolog is the only widely used programming language that allows you to define recursive data types. A data type is recursive if it allows structures to contain other structures like themselves.

The most basic recursive data type is the list, although it doesn't immediately look recursively constructed. A lot of list-processing power is built into Prolog, but we won't discuss it here; lists are such an important part of Prolog that there is a whole chapter devoted to them, chapter 7.

In this chapter, we invent a recursive data type, implement it, and use it to write a very fast sorting program. The structure of this invented recursive data type is a tree (Figure 6.1). Crucially, each branch of the tree is itself a tree; that's why the structure is recursive.

Figure 6.1: Part of a Family Tree

1. Trees as a Data Type

Recursive types were popularized by Niklaus Wirth in Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs. Wirth derived Pascal from ALGOL60 and published this work in the early 70's. He didn't implement recursive types in Pascal, but he did discuss what it would be like to have them. If Pascal had recursive types, you would be able to define a tree as something like this:

    tree = record                         /* Not correct Pascal! */
name: string[80];
        left, right: tree

This code, translated into natural language, means "A tree consists of a name, which is a string, and the left and right subtrees, which are trees."

The nearest approach to this in Pascal is to use pointers and say

    treeptr = ^tree;

    tree = record
        name: string[80];
        left, right: treeptr

But notice a subtle difference: This code deals with the memory representation of a tree, not the structure of the tree itself. It treats the tree as consisting of cells, each containing some data plus pointers to two more cells.

Visual Prolog allows truly recursive type definitions in which the pointers are created and maintained automatically. For example, you can define a tree as follows:

        treetype = tree(string, treetype, treetype)

This declaration says that a tree will be written as the functor, tree, whose arguments are a string and two more trees.

But this isn't quite right; it provides no way to end the recursion, and, in real life, the tree does not go on forever. Some cells don't have links to further trees. In Pascal, you could express this by setting some pointers equal to the special value nil, but pointers are an implementation issue that ordinarily doesn't surface in Prolog source code. Rather, in Prolog we define two kinds of trees: ordinary ones and empty ones. This is done by allowing a tree to have either of two functors: tree, with three arguments, or empty, with no arguments.

        treetype = tree(string, treetype, treetype) ; empty

Notice that the names tree (a functor that takes three arguments) and empty (a functor taking no arguments) are created by the programmer; neither of them has any pre-defined meaning in Prolog. You could equally well have used xxx and yyy.

This is how the tree in Figure 6.1 could appear in a Prolog program:

            tree("Charles", empty, empty)
            tree("Hazel", empty, empty))
            tree("Jim", empty, empty)
            tree("Eleanor", empty, empty)))

This is indented here for readability, but Prolog does not require indentation, nor are trees indented when you print them out normally. Another way of setting up this same data structure is:

     tree("Michael", tree("Charles", empty, empty), tree("Hazel", empty, empty))
        tree("Melody", tree("Jim", empty, empty), tree("Eleanor", empty, empty)))

Note that this is not a Prolog clause; it is just a complex data structure.

(1) Traversing a Tree

Before going on to the discussion of how to create trees, first consider what you'll do with a tree once you have it. One of the most frequent tree operations is to examine all the cells and process them in some way, either searching for a particular value or collecting all the values. This is known as traversing the tree. One basic algorithm for doing so is the following:

If the tree is empty, do nothing.

Otherwise, process the current node, then traverse the left subtree, then traverse the right subtree.

Like the tree itself, the algorithm is recursive: it treats the left and right subtrees exactly like the original tree. Prolog expresses it with two clauses, one for empty and one for nonempty trees:

    traverse(empty).                                /* do nothing */

    traverse(tree(X, Y, Z)) :-
        do something with X,

Figure 6.2: Depth-First Traversal of the Tree in Figure 6.1

This tree traversal algorithm is known as depth-first search because it goes as far as possible down each branch before backing up and trying another branch (Figure 6.2). To see it in action, look at program 9, which traverses a tree and prints all the elements as it encounters them. Given the tree in Figures 6.1 and 6.2, 9 prints


Of course, you could easily adapt the program to perform some other operation on the elements, rather than printing them.

/* Program */

Depth-first search is strikingly similar to the way Prolog searches a knowledge base, arranging the clauses into a tree and pursuing each branch until a query fails. If you wanted to, you could describe the tree by means of a set of Prolog clauses such as:

    father_of("Cathy", "Michael").
    mother_of("Cathy", "Melody").
    father_of("Michael", "Charles").
    mother_of("Michael", "Hazel").

This is preferable if the only purpose of the tree is to express relationships between individuals. But this kind of description makes it impossible to treat the whole tree as a single complex data structure; as you'll see, complex data structures are very useful because they simplify difficult computational tasks.

(2) Creating a Tree

One way to create a tree is to write down a nested structure of functors and arguments, as in the preceding example (Program 9). Ordinarily, however, Prolog creates trees by computation. In each step, an empty subtree is replaced by a nonempty one through Prolog's process of unification (argument matching).

Creating a one-cell tree from an ordinary data item is trivial:

    create_tree(N, tree(N, empty, empty)).

This says: "If N is a data item, then tree(N, empty, empty) is a one-cell tree containing it."

Building a tree structure is almost as easy. The following procedure takes three trees as arguments. It inserts the first tree as the left subtree of the second tree, giving the third tree as the result:

    insert_left(X, tree(A, _, B), tree(A, X, B)).

Notice that this rule has no body--there are no explicit steps in executing it. All the computer has to do is match the arguments with each other in the proper positions, and the work is done.

Suppose, for example, you want to insert tree("Michael", empty, empty) as the left subtree of tree("Cathy", empty, empty). To do this, just execute the goal

    insert_left(tree("Michael", empty, empty),
        tree("Cathy", empty, empty),

and T immediately takes on the value

    tree("Cathy", tree("Michael", empty, empty), empty).

This gives a way to build up trees step-by-step. Program 10 demonstrates this technique. In real life, the items to be inserted into the tree could come from external input.

/* Program */

        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */


        treetype = tree(string,treetype,treetype) ; empty()




        insert_right(treetype, treetype, treetype)






        /* First create some one-cell trees... */








    /* ...then link them up... */

            insert_left(Ch, Mi, Mi2),

            insert_right(H, Mi2, Mi3),

            insert_left(J, Me, Me2),

            insert_right(E, Me2, Me3),

            insert_left(Mi3, Ca, Ca2),

            insert_right(Me3, Ca2, Ca3),

        /* ...and print the result. */


Notice that there is no way to change the value of a Prolog variable once it is bound. That's why 10 uses so many variable names; every time you create a new value, you need a new variable. The large number of variable names here is unusual; more commonly, repetitive procedures obtain new variables by invoking themselves recursively, since each invocation has a distinct set of variables.

2. Binary Search Trees

So far, we have been using the tree to represent relationships between its elements. Of course, this is not the best use for trees, since Prolog clauses can do the same job. But trees have other uses.

Trees provide a good way to store data items so that they can be found quickly. A tree built for this purpose is called a search tree; from the user's point of view, the tree structure carries no information--the tree is merely a faster alternative to a list or array. Recall that, to traverse an ordinary tree, you look at the current cell and then at both of its subtrees. To find a particular item, you might have to look at every cell in the whole tree.

The time taken to search an ordinary tree with N elements is, on the average, proportional to N.

A binary search tree is constructed so that you can predict, upon looking at any cell, which of its subtrees a given item will be in. This is done by defining an ordering relation on the data items, such as alphabetical or numerical order. Items in the left subtree precede the item in the current cell and, in the right subtree, they follow it. Figure 6.3 shows an example. Note that the same names, added in a different order, would produce a somewhat different tree. Notice also that, although there are ten names in the tree, you can find any of them in--at most--five steps.

Figure 6.3: Binary Search Tree

Every time you look at a cell in a binary search tree during a search, you eliminate half the remaining cells from consideration, and the search proceeds very quickly. If the size of the tree were doubled, then, typically, only one extra step would be needed to search it.

The time taken to find an item in a binary search tree is, on the average, proportional to log2 N (or, in fact, proportional to log N with logarithms to any base).

To build the tree, you start with an empty tree and add items one by one. The procedure for adding an item is the same as for finding one: you simply search for the place where it ought to be, and insert it there. The algorithm is as follows:

If the current node is an empty tree, insert the item there.

Otherwise, compare the item to be inserted and the item stored in the current node. Insert the item into the left subtree or the right subtree, depending on the result of the comparison.

In Prolog, this requires three clauses, one for each situation. The first clause is

    insert(NewItem, empty, tree(NewItem, empty, empty) :- !.

Translated to natural language, this code says "The result of inserting NewItem into empty is tree(NewItem, empty, empty)." The cut ensures that, if this clause can be used successfully, no other clauses will be tried.

The second and third clauses take care of insertion into nonempty trees:

    insert(NewItem, tree(Element, Left, Right), tree(Element, NewLeft, Right) :-
        NewItem < Element,
        insert(NewItem, Left, NewLeft).

    insert(NewItem, tree(Element, Left, Right), tree(Element, Left, NewRight) :-
        insert(NewItem, Right, NewRight).

If NewItem < Element, you insert it into the left subtree; otherwise, you insert it into the right subtree. Notice that, because of the cuts, you get to the third clause only if neither of the preceding clauses has succeeded. Also notice how much of the work is done by matching arguments in the head of the rule.

(1) Tree-Based Sorting

Once you have built the tree, it is easy to retrieve all the items in alphabetical order. The algorithm is again a variant of depth-first search:

If the tree is empty, do nothing.

Otherwise, retrieve all the items in the left subtree, then the current element, then all the items in the right subtree.

Or, in Prolog:

    retrieve_all(empty).                             /* Do nothing */

    retrieve_all(tree(Item, Left, Right)) :-

You can sort a sequence of items by inserting them into a tree and then retrieving them in order. For N items, this takes time proportional to N log N, because both insertion and retrieval take time proportional to log N, and each of them has to be done N times. This is the fastest known sorting algorithm.

(2) Example

Program 11 uses this technique to alphabetize character input. In this example we use some of Visual Prolog's standard predicates we haven't introduced before. These predicates will be discussed in detail in later chapters.

/* Program */

Load and run Program 11 and watch how Visual Prolog does tree-based sorting on a sequence of characters.


Program 12 is similar to 11, but more complex. It uses the same sorting technique to alphabetize any standard text file, line by line. Typically it's more than five times faster than "SORT.EXE", the sort program provided by DOS and OS/2, but it's beaten by the highly optimized "sort" on UNIX. Nevertheless, tree-based sorting is remarkably efficient.

In this example we use some of the predicates from Visual Prolog's file system, to give you a taste of file redirection. To redirect input or output to a file, you must tell the system about the file; you use openread to read from the file or openwrite to write to it. Once files are open, you can switch I/O between an open file and the screen with writedevice, and between an open file and the keyboard with readdevice. These predicates are discussed in detail later in chapter 12.

Load and run Program 12. When it prompts File to read type in the name of an existing text file; the program will then alphabetize that file, line by line.


/* Program */

Use recursive data structures to implement hypertext. A hypertext is a structure in which each entry, made up of several lines of text, is accompanied by pointers to several other entries. Any entry can be connected to any other entry; for instance, you could get to an entry about Abraham Lincoln either from "Presidents" or from "Civil War."

    To keep things simple, use one-line entries (strings) and let each of them contain a pointer to only one other entry.

    Hint: Start with

entrytype = empty() ; entry(string, entry)

    Build a linked structure in which most of the entries have a nonempty second argument.

Now, take your hypertext implementation and redo it using Prolog clauses. That is, use clauses (rather than recursive data structures) to record which entry follows which.


These are the major points covered in this chapter:

In Prolog there are two ways to repeat the same clause; through backtracking and recursion. By failing, Prolog will backtrack to find a new piece of data and repeat the clause until there are no more options. Recursion is the process of a clause calling itself.

Backtracking is very powerful and memory efficient, but variables are freed after each iteration, so their values are lost. Recursion allows variables to be incremented, but it is not memory efficient.

However, Visual Prolog does tail recursion elimination, which relieves the memory demands of recursion. For Visual Prolog to achieve tail recursion elimination, the recursive call must be the last subgoal in the clause body.